The Siberian Husky


The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized dog with almond-shaped eyes that can be either brown, gold, or blue—or occasionally one of each. The Siberian has a friendly and mischievous personality. Siberians are agile, yet powerful dogs. Loaded with energy, these dogs love to dig and chase small animals; thus, a secured yard or play space is necessary. Siberians are pack dogs and make great family pets.



Siberian Huskies are very intelligent, independent minded dogs. They are easily trained, however, the earlier they train the better. Training should be with gentle handling and without physical correction. Though highly intelligent, the husky can be stubborn; training treats and consistency will make your training experience easier and more enjoyable.


Most puppies chew during teething and the Siberian Husky puppy is no exception. Be sure to preplan with lots of bones and chew toys. One of their favorite pastimes is digging and boy are they good at it! Set aside an area in your yard where they are allowed to dig or have patience with their passion. Digging and chewing are ways that Sibe’s burn energy, so have plenty of toys, play and walk with them —your house and furniture will thank you.


Siberian Huskies must have a fence yard or secure enclosure. The Sibe is a natural runner. There is nothing that they love more than an out and out sprint, feeling the wind in their fur, their ears flapping… unrestrained freedom is discouraged for their own protection.

Remember, exercise is necessary for proper development.



The Siberian is a relatively clean and odor free dog. Twice a year the Sibe will shed its coat, be prepared for increased vacuuming! Brushing your husky will help control and reduce shedding. Like all dogs, Siberians require a proper diet and regular medical care.


Grooming should occur regularly. Brushing your Siberian will reduce the amount of fur in your house. They will need to have their toenails trimmed and teeth cleaned.


Weighing in at under 60 pounds, they are smaller than their relative, the Alaskan Malamute.

  • Height: 21-23.5 inches (male), 20-22 inches (female)

  • Weight: 45-60 pounds (male), 35-50 pounds (female)

  • Life Expectancy: 12-14 years